Growing up, summers could be pretty dull. So one day, my mother sent me to J.C. Penney to pick out a pattern and some terry cloth to make beach “coats.”
When I returned home, she showed me how to lay out the pattern on the fabric and watched as I carefully cut it. Pretty soon, I was happily sewing away. And just a day or two later, I was proudly modeling them at the local park on Lake St. Clair.
After that, I couldn’t wait to take every sewing class offered in junior high and high school. I started making my own clothes. From the occasional shirt, jacket and coat, to dresses for every occasion - school, Easter, Christmas, etc. I was on cloud nine. Then for graduation, I got a Singer Touch and Sew and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. That machine opened up even more opportunities. Soon enough, I was making more clothes, lots of Halloween costumes, and finally, a simple dust ruffle, quilt, and bumper pads for my son’s crib. I started envisioning my life of sewing. But life has a funny way of throwing you a curve ball or two. And I just got too busy with my family. So sewing went on the back burner.
With my husband no longer in the picture and a son who was taller than me, I decided to make a small starter quilt. It was a joy to be back! But one thing was for certain - I needed a new sewing machine. Fortunately, I found a wonderful local sewing shop whom I affectionately blame for starting me down the rabbit hole of embroidery. I started making towels, wall hangings, and some appliqué pillows. And it was at that point that I discovered the reading pocket pillows. What a great concept! So just before I headed to a spring show at Napoleon Middle School in the tiny town of Napoleon, Michigan, I made some. And I sold every last one of them. I KNEW I had something!
Now I make these wonderful pillows as fast as I can, while continuing to add new designs. I’d love to make one especially for you!!